Arabic Boy Names R


Baby Name English meaning
Ra’ed Leader
Ra’id Leader, pioneer.
Raabi’ah Fourth; name of a saint who lived in Basrah.
Raaghib Willing; desirous; inclined towards …. anything.
Raahil Path guider.
Raakin Respectful
Raamis The good looking one.
Raamiz Symbol
Raamiz Symbol.
Raashid Pious; follower of the right path.
Raashid Major, Adult, Orthodox, Guided, Intelligent.
Raatib Arranger
Rabah Gainer
Rabah Gainer.
Rabar A loving and caring person to all.
Rabb The Sustainer; master; an attribute of Allah.
Rabbaanee One who is attached to Allah; devotee
Rabbani Divine.
Rabee Spring.
Rabee’ Spring
Rabi’ Spring, breeze.
Rabiah Greenery.
Rabit Binding, Fastening.
Radhee A lover; suitor.
Radi Satisfied.
Raees Rich, Wealthy, Chief.
Rafan Beautiful, graceful.
Rafay The Exaulter, To Elevate Rank
Rafee High, High-ranking, cultured, refined.
Rafee’ Kind friend
Rafeek Friend.
Rafeeq Friend; associate; companion; a soft and kind – hearted person.
Rafee’ High; sublime; exalted; of nobility and dignity.
Rafi High, High-ranking, cultured, refined.
Rafiq Kind, friend.
Ragheb Desirous
Raghib Desiring, willing.
Rahat Rest, Response.
Raheel One who shows the way, Fearless or Brave.
Raheem Allah’s epithet meaning Most Merciful, Most Kind.
Raheesh Leader, Chief, Rich.
Rahil Path guider.
Rahim Merciful
Rahmaan Allah’s attribute meaning Most Merciful, Most Kind.
Rahmat Sympathy; mercy.
Rahmat Mercy.
Raihan Heavens’ Flower.
Rajaa Hope.
Rajab The seventh month of the Muslim year
Rajab 7th Month of the Islamic Calendar.
Rakeem Writer.
Rakhshan Dazzling.
Ramadan 9th Month of the Islamic Calendar.
Rameez Symbol.
Ramin Who rescues the people from hungry and pain.
Ramiz Symbol.
Raonar Lustre.
Raquib Most watchful.
Raseem One who designs.
Rashaad To acquire guidance, to lead a righteous life.
Rashad Integrity of conduct
Rashad Integrity of conduct, maturity.
Rashdan Guidance, rectitude.
Rasheed Righteous; one who guides on the right path; Allah’s attribute.
Rasheed Rationale, Prutend, Intelligent, Rightly-guided.
Rashid Rightly guided, Having the true Faith
Rashid Righteous, mature.
Rasool Name of the nabi.
Rauf Merciful, kind.
Rawahah Departure, Fragrance, ease.
Rawdah Garden Meadow, Paradise.
Rawh Refreshment, Rest.
Rayaadh Gardens; Jannah.
Rayan The gate of heaven which allows fasting people in Ramadan to enter.
Rayhaan A sweet-smiling plant; any flower besides rose; comfort.
Rayhaan Sweet basil.
Rayhan Basil, Sweet basil, Fragrance.
Rayn It is the name of a gate of the heaven.
Rayyan Full, pretty.
Raza Handsome
Razam Lion.
Razeen Sedate, Slemn, Grave, Sober-Minded.
Razzaaq Allah’s attribute meaning The Provider, The Sustainer,
Ra’ees Leader; chief; captain; prince; nobleman.
Ra’oof Most Merciful, Most Kind
Rehan King
Rehma The loving.
Rehmat-ullah Blessings of Allah Almighty.
Reza Wish.
Riaz Garden, devotion.
Ridha Contentment
Ridha Contentment.
Ridhaa Pleasure; contentment; approval.
Ridhwaan Pleasure; happiness; Jannah; doorkeeper of Jannah.
Ridhwan Acceptance, Good will, Name of the keeper of the Gates of Heaven
Ridwan Keeper of the gates of heaven.
Rifa’ah Dignity.
Rif’at Dignity; exaltation; eminence; nobility.
Risay The Risk, Black Rose, Lovest One, The One
Riyad Gardens.
Riyadh Gardens
Riyasat Rule, Dominion.
Rizwan Peon of Paradise.
Robeel Flight.
Rohail Noble.
Roshan Bright, Shining.
Rowel Flower.
Rukanah Firm, Solid.
Rushd On the right path.
Ruwayfi Exalted.

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