Jewish Names

Jewish boy Names

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M/F Jewish Boys Names Meaning of Name Origin
M Aaron high mountain Hebrew
M Abbott father; abbot Hebrew
M Abel breath; child Hebrew
M Abner father of light Hebrew
M Abraham father of a multitude Hebrew
M Adam created by God Hebrew
M Adlai my witness; refuge of Hebrew
M Amah having the answer Hebrew
M Ami reliable and trustworthy Hebrew
M Amok strength of God’s flock Hebrew
M Amos to bear, to carry Hebrew
M Ariel lion of God Hebrew
M Aryeh lion Hebrew
M Asa healer Hebrew
M Asher fortunate, lucky Hebrew
M Aviram my father is exalted Hebrew
M Avishalom my Father is peace Hebrew
M Aviv spring Hebrew
M Avram father of a multitude Hebrew
M Aya vulture Hebrew
M Azarel with the assistance of God Hebrew
M Barabas Barabba Hebrew
M Barak lightning Hebrew
M Barnaby son of Prophecy Hebrew
M Baron my father is exalted Hebrew
M Bartholomew furrow, hill Hebrew
M Baruch blessed Hebrew
M Benaiah God has established Hebrew
M Benjamin son of my right hand Hebrew
M Benson Ben’s son; excellent Hebrew
M Beryl dazzling jewel Hebrew
M Boaz swiftness Hebrew
M Cain craftsman Hebrew
M Caleb bold, dog Hebrew
M Carmi my vineyard Hebrew
M Chagai festive Hebrew
M Chaika life Hebrew
M Chanoch dedicated Hebrew
M Chayim life Hebrew
M Dagan grain or corn Hebrew
M Daley just Hebrew
M Dan judge Hebrew
M Daniel God is my judge Hebrew
M Dathan belonging to a fountain Hebrew
M David beloved one Hebrew
M Dekel date palm tree Hebrew
M Delayahu Yahweh has drawn Hebrew
M Doran gift Hebrew
M Dori generations of time Hebrew
M Dov bear Hebrew
M Eban stone Hebrew
M Ebenezer rock of Help Hebrew
M Eden delightful, adornment Hebrew
M Edom red-haired Hebrew
M Efraim very fruitful Hebrew
M Eilam highland in Akkadian, eternal Hebrew
M Eiran awake & vigilant Hebrew
M Elam eternal Hebrew
M Elazar my God has helped Hebrew
M Eleazar with the assistance of God Hebrew
M Eli elevation; ascendant Hebrew
M Eliakim blessed of God Hebrew
M Elias Jehovah is God Hebrew
M Elihu He is my God Hebrew
M Elijah Jehovah is God Hebrew
M Eliot height; elevation Hebrew
M Elisha my God is salvation Hebrew
M Eliyyahu the Lord is my God Hebrew
M Elkan he belongs to God Hebrew
M Elnatan gift of God Hebrew
M Ely the Lord is my God Hebrew
M Emmanuel God is with us Hebrew
M Enos human being Hebrew
M Ephraim very fruitful Hebrew
M Eran ever vigilant Hebrew
M Ethan long-lived Hebrew
M Ethel noble Hebrew
M Ezekiel strength of God Hebrew
M Ezra helper; salvation Hebrew
M Falk falcon Hebrew
M Gabai delight Hebrew
M Gabriel God is my strength Hebrew
M Gad fortune Hebrew
M Gal wave Hebrew
M Gamaliel God is my reward Hebrew
M Gavriel strong man of God Hebrew
M Gedalya God is great Hebrew
M Gemarya God has accomplished Hebrew
M Gera carob bean Hebrew
M Gersham exiled Hebrew
M Gidan one who cuts trees Hebrew
M Gideon mighty warrior Hebrew
M Gil joy Hebrew
M Gilad mound of testimony Hebrew
M Gilead mound of testimony Hebrew
M Gomer complete Hebrew
M Habakkuk embrace Hebrew
M Hadar glory, splendor Hebrew
M Haggai festive Hebrew
M Haim life Hebrew
M Hanan compassionate Hebrew
M Hayyim life Hebrew
M Hazael all-seeing, omniscient Hebrew
M Hebel herdsman Hebrew
M Heber enclave Hebrew
M Hebron association Hebrew
M Hed echo Hebrew
M Hevel herdsman Hebrew
M Hillel praise Hebrew
M Hirah splendor Hebrew
M Hosea salvation Hebrew
M Hyam life Hebrew
M Hyram brother of the exalted Hebrew
M Ichabod glory has departed Hebrew
M Idan era Hebrew
M Ilan tree Hebrew
M Immanuel God is with us Hebrew
M Ira watchful; stallion Hebrew
M Isaac he will laugh Hebrew
M Isaiah salvation of the Lord Hebrew
M Ishmerai the keeper Hebrew
M Israel prince of God Hebrew
M Israel struggles with God Hebrew
M Ithai God is with me Hebrew
M Ithamar palm island Hebrew
M Ithiel God is with me Hebrew
M Itzak he will laugh Hebrew
M Jacob supplanter Hebrew
M James supplanter Hebrew
M Japheth he expands Hebrew
M Jared one who rules Hebrew
M Jaron to cry out in song Hebrew
M Jason God is my Savior Hebrew
M Jedidiah beloved of the Lord Hebrew
M Jeremiah God will uplift Hebrew
M Jesse wealthy Hebrew
M Joakim the Lord will judge Hebrew
M Job the Persecuted Hebrew
M Joel God is willing Hebrew
M Johanan God is gracious Hebrew
M John God is merciful Hebrew
M Jonah a dove Hebrew
M Jonas a dove Hebrew
M Jonathan God gives Hebrew
M Jordan to descend; to flow Hebrew
M Joseph God will increase Hebrew
M Joshua Jehovah saves Hebrew
M Josiah fire of the Lord Hebrew
M Jude praised Hebrew
M Kaniel stalk of a reed plant Hebrew
M Kehat faint, weak Hebrew
M Kohath faint, weak Hebrew
M Korach bald Hebrew
M Laban white Hebrew
M Label lion Hebrew
M Lamech servant of God Hebrew
M Lazarus God’s help Hebrew
M Lehi jawbone Hebrew
M Lemuel belonging to God Hebrew
M Leshem precious stone Hebrew
M Lev heart Hebrew
M Levi associated, attached Hebrew
M Liron my song Hebrew
M Lochesh whisper Hebrew
M Lot veiled, hidden Hebrew
M Malachi messenger of God Hebrew
M Matai gift of God Hebrew
M Matan gift Hebrew
M Mattaniah gift of God Hebrew
M Matthew gift of the Lord Hebrew
M Meir giving light; shining Hebrew
M Melech king Hebrew
M Menahem comforter Hebrew
M Menashe causing to forget Hebrew
M Merari bitter Hebrew
M Meshech to draw Hebrew
M Methuselah messenger Hebrew
M Meyer giving light Hebrew
M Michael who is like God? Hebrew
M Moab of his father Hebrew
M Mordecai warrior Hebrew
M Moses child taken from the water Hebrew
M Moshe child taken from the water Hebrew
M Nadav noble; generous Hebrew
M Nahum comfort Hebrew
M Naphtali my struggle Hebrew
M Nathan gift Hebrew
M Nathaniel gift of God Hebrew
M Nehemiah consoled by God Hebrew
M Nir plowed field Hebrew
M Nirel God’s field Hebrew
M Noach rest Hebrew
M Noadiah God assembles Hebrew
M Noah peaceful, restful Hebrew
M Obadiah servant of God Hebrew
M Obed servant Hebrew
M Ofer young mountain Hebrew
M Omar first son or disciple Hebrew
M Ophir gold Hebrew
M Oren pale one; pine Hebrew
M Ori my light Hebrew
M Osaze favored by God Hebrew
M Osher happiness Hebrew
M Oz strength Hebrew
M Phineas of dark complexion Hebrew
M Qayin lance, spear Hebrew
M Qenan possession Hebrew
M Raanan fresh, luxuriant Hebrew
M Raguel one of the seven archangels Hebrew
M Ranen joyous Hebrew
M Raphael healed by God Hebrew
M Ravid jewelry, ornament Hebrew
M Remiel one of the seven archangels Hebrew
M Reuben behold a son Hebrew
M Rishon first Hebrew
M Ruben behold a son Hebrew
M Sachiel angel of water Hebrew
M Samson son of Sam Hebrew
M Samuel His name is God Hebrew
M Saul borrowed Hebrew
M Seth appointed by the Lord Hebrew
M Shachar dawn Hebrew
M Shai gift Hebrew
M Shalom peace Hebrew
M Shay gift Hebrew
M Shimon hearkening Hebrew
M Shir song Hebrew
M Shmuel God has hearkened Hebrew
M Shulamith peaceful Hebrew
M Simcha joy Hebrew
M Simon He who hears Hebrew
M Sivan the ninth month Hebrew
M Solomon man of peace Hebrew
M Tal morning dew Hebrew
M Talmai abounding in furrows Hebrew
M Talman to injure; to oppress Hebrew
M Tamur stately like a palm tree Hebrew
M Teman right hand; south Hebrew
M Thaddeus Praise be to God Hebrew
M Tivon lover of nature Hebrew
M Tobiah God is good Hebrew
M Tobias God is good Hebrew
M Tuvya God is good Hebrew
M Tzvi deer Hebrew
M Udeh praise Hebrew
M Udi pleasant & sympathetic Hebrew
M Uri Light Hebrew
M Uriah God is light Hebrew
M Uriel light of God Hebrew
M Uzi my strength Hebrew
M Vered rose Hebrew
M Yaakov supplanter Hebrew
M Yachin he establishes Hebrew
M Yadid friend, beloved Hebrew
M Yadon He will judge Hebrew
M Yahveh He will cause to become Hebrew
M Yahweh He will cause to become Hebrew
M Yair he shines Hebrew
M Yakov supplanter Hebrew
M Yalon murmuring, tarrying Hebrew
M Yan God’s grace Hebrew
M Yanis God’s gift Hebrew
M Yaniv he will prosper Hebrew
M Yarden flowing down Hebrew
M Yarin to understand Hebrew
M Yaron to shout and sing Hebrew
M Yechezkel God will strengthen Hebrew
M Yehiel may God live Hebrew
M Yehosef God will increase Hebrew
M Yehoshua God is salvation Hebrew
M Yehudah he who is praised Hebrew
M Yered descent Hebrew
M Yeshaya God is salvation Hebrew
M Yitzhak he will laugh Hebrew
M Yoav Jehovah is the father Hebrew
M Yochanan God is gracious Hebrew
M Yoel Yahweh is God Hebrew
M Yonah a form of Jonah; dove Hebrew
M Yonatan God has given Hebrew
M Yoram exalted by God Hebrew
M Yosef God will increase Hebrew
M Yuval trumpet, musician Hebrew
M Zabulon to exalt; honor Hebrew
M Zacchaeus pure Hebrew
M Zachariah remembered by the Lord Hebrew
M Zachary remembered by the Lord Hebrew
M Zakai one who is innocent Hebrew
M Zalmon shady Hebrew
M Zane God’s grace Hebrew
M Zared ambush Hebrew
M Zebadiah gift of the Lord Hebrew
M Zebulon home Hebrew
M Zedekiah justice of the Lord Hebrew
M Zeev wolf Hebrew
M Zephan treasured by God Hebrew
M Zephaniah God has hidden Hebrew
M Zevach sacrifice Hebrew
M Zimri my praise Hebrew
M Zion homeland, or heaven Hebrew
M Zohar brilliant Hebrew